
Question Forms (B1)

Ten words usually mispronounced

Try pronouncing the following words: colonel, climbing, vegetables, suit, whole, infamous, clothes, months, subtle, mishap.
Watch the video and compare. Where you right?

Practise with your teacher! 😄

American English

Do you know any American  English words? What are the origins of American English?

Watch the video to find out

Do you know any other American English words?

English around the world

How many English speaking countries do you know? 

Watch the video and make a list of the countries shown 

1. Did you identify the songs?
2. What about the celebrities?

"How did English evolve?"

Do you know where English comes from? 
What are the origins of the language spoken by more than 400 million people?

Watch the video to find out  

1. What's the difference between a "hearty welcome" and a "cordial reception"?

2. What are the connotations of both expressions?

3. Does it happen the same in Spanish? Can you identify different cultural backgrounds and/or social strata by the way people speak?


Improve your pronunciation with this popular poem: "The Chaos" by Gerard Nolst Trenité, Listen as you read

Now, try to read this poem along with the speaker. You will find it hard, but it will difinitely help you improve the pronunciation of many words. Have fun! 😆


Learning another language is like becoming another person.

Haruki Murakami

Those who know nothing of foreign languages know nothing of their own.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe