
My favorite song...

I really love...

Tell us the name of your favorite song and why you like it!!!

How often...?

How often do you...?

Tell me about someone you know...

A/An - Usos

A vs. An

A/An singular noun ➫ a pencil
                                         an apple

A/An adjective singular noun ➫ a big dream
                                                          an old car

A + consonant a boy, a bad day, a cat, a nice day
An + vowel an elephant, an angry man

Words beginning with U

(1) U is a vowel sound: an umbrella, an uncle
(2) U  is a consonant sound: a university, a unit

Words beginning with H

(1) H is silent: an hour, an honor, an honest person
(2) H  is pronounced: a holiday, a hotel, a happy day


Instructions: Add a or an to these words. Write your answers in the "comments" section

  1. __ mistake
  2. __ abbreviation
  3. __ dream
  4. __ interesting dream
  5. __ empty box
  6. __ box
  7. __ uniform
  8. __ email
  9. __ untrue story
  10. __ urgent message
  11. __ universal problem
  12. __ unhappy child
  13. __ hour or two
  14. __ hole in the ground
  15. __ hill
  16. __ handsome man
  17. __ honest woman
  18. __ honor